The Beginning...
In 1910, John Fischer, a German sausage maker opened the first meat shop in Issaquah, Washington. John’s two boys, Nick and George, grew up working in their dad’s meat shop and took over the business when their father retired in the 1950’s.
The two sons continued to operate the business until 1981, when Chris & Jacque Chiechi bought the business from them. Chris started working in his uncle’s butcher shop when he was 14 so buying Fischer Meats fulfilled his life-long dream.
We'll help make your holidays brighter
Fischer Meats are now taking orders for everyone's holiday meals!
You've made it through Thanksgiving but there's many holiday festivities to go and Fischer Meats is here to make them less stressful and tastier. Located in downtown Issaquah, we have a wide selection of all natural Washington grown beef, chicken, pork and lamb items along with the traditional favorites like turkeys and our famous smoked hams. Our butchers will even do specialty cuts just for you.