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Writer's pictureGreater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce

Chamber Board of Directors Nominations Open

List of Board Nominees as recommended and approved by the Board of Directors on January 17th, 2020. Hereby presented to membership in accordance to the Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce Bylaws. Nomination is the first part of the electoral process. Please read Article IV, Section 4 of the bylaws carefully (included) to fully understand the process.

Nominees include:

Debbie Marlow, Marlow’s Fine Jewelry (second term)

Gloria Chein, VIS Design (second term)

Hernan Rubio, Costco (second term)

Christy Garrard, Issaquah Highlands Council (first term)

Megan Adams, Village Theatre (first term)

Alvera Mandavia, Overlake Medical Center and Clinics


Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce

Bylaws Revised April 20, 2018

These bylaws shall replace any previous bylaws and by approving these bylaws, the Board repeals any prior bylaws for the Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce.

Article IV - Board of Directors

Section 4: Selection and Election of Directors. At least sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled election for Directors, the Board Chairperson shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board, a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) current Directors and two (2) other Members and shall designate the chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

  • No later than twenty (20) days before the election of Directors, the Nominating Committee shall present to the ED a slate of six (6) candidates to serve three (3) year terms to replace the Directors whose regular terms are expiring. Each candidate must be a Member in good standing and must have agreed to accept the responsibility of a directorship. Upon receipt of the slate of candidates from the Nominating Committee, the ED shall promptly notify Members by first class mail (or by electronic transmittal if so elected by a Member) of the names of persons nominated as candidates for Directors and the right of Members to nominate additional candidates by petition.

  • Additional candidates for Directors may be nominated by petition bearing the genuine signatures of at least ten (10) separate Members in good standing as of the due date for petitions (no person, association, corporation, partnership or estate being represented by more than one signature). Any such petition shall be filed with the Nominating Committee within ten (10) days after the distribution date of notice of persons nominated. The determination of the Nominating Committee as to the timeliness and legality of the petition(s) shall be final. The Nominating Committee shall promptly present to the ED the names of any candidates properly nominated by petition.

  • If no petition is filed within the designated period, the nominating shall be closed and the nominated slate of candidates shall be presented by the ED to the Board at its regular February Board meeting and shall be declared elected by the Board at the meeting.

  • In the event one or more candidates are properly nominated by petition (as determined by the Nominating Committee), the names of all candidates nominated and petitioned shall be presented by the ED to the Board at its regular February Board meeting. The Board shall elect, by majority vote of the Board, six (6) Directors from the list of candidates presented by the ED. In the event fewer than six (6) Directors are elected by a majority vote of the Board, those Directors receiving a majority of votes shall be declared elected, and the Board shall again vote to elect the required number of Directors from the remaining unelected candidates. Such voting shall continue until a total of six (6) Directors have been declared elected.

  • The ED shall cause notice of the names of Members elected to be Directors to be promptly published to the Members. The names of Members elected to be Directors shall be announced at the next Annual Meeting of Members.

For your convenience; the following is the list of the Board of Directors that are currently serving on the board and who’s terms continue into our fiscal 2020-2021 term.

  • Tony Rehn, Evergreen Ford

  • Nathan Bosseler, CASTUS Corporation

  • Tori Gaines, White Horse Promotional Products

  • Srini Anandakumar, Homestreet Bank

  • Alan Finkelstein, McDonald's of Issaquah

  • Robert Quesnel, American Family Insurance

  • Stewart Kelpe, Atomic Infotech

  • Janet Kelly, Puget Sound Energy

  • Kari Magill, Rowley Properties

  • Wright Noel, Carson & Noel

  • William Shaw, Issaquah Reporter

After the election process is complete the following actions shall take place and the membership shall be notified of the new slate of officers.

Article V - Officers

Section 1: Determination of Officers. Within ten (10) days after the annual election of the new Directors, the Nominating Committee for Directors shall nominate a slate of Officers for the next year. Officers to be nominated are: a Board Chairperson (the “Chairperson”), a Chairperson-Elect, a Vice Chairperson, a Treasurer and a Secretary. Within thirty (30) days thereafter, the new, continuing and outgoing Directors shall meet and elect the above Officers. All Officers must be Directors during the term of office to which elected (see Article IV Section 6). Officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year commencing April 1st and ending March 31st.

If you have any questions regarding the nomination and election process of the board of directors, please contact: CEO, Kathy McCorry at 425-392-7024 or

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